Relaxation Massage with Essential Oils
We custom blend Essential oils and integrate them into your massage to enhance and support your health.
Deep Tissue Massage with Essential Oils
We custom blend Essential oils and integrate them into your massage to enhance and support your health.
Advance Bodywork
Lymphatic Drainage
Manual lymph drainage massage is a form of light massage that is good for detoxification, edema, and people recovering from plastic surgery.
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy can help with both physical and emotional challenges; it is especially effective with individuals who are not reaching therapeutic goals with traditional therapy and medical intervention.
Integrated Energy Techniques
This Hands-on technique balance, clears and charges your energy field. It Also removes energy blocks that lead to disease, enhancing your body’s Natural healing potential.
Postural and Structural Rehabilitation
Muscles are very powerful and can play a big role in the degree of ease through your musculoskeletal system.
Myofascial Release, Facilitated Stretching and Trigger point Therapy
This is an integrated soft tissue therapy to treat the immobility and pain of the musculoskeletal system. This therapy aims to improve Blood, Lymphatic circulation and stimulate the stretch reflex in muscle. Assisting the muscle in becoming more mobile and improving the bodies ability. For more information about the importance of Fascial Realease, please watch the following video “The Fuzz Speech Gil Hedley”